It is not ownable and jobs are only found in Quick Jobs or the Freight Market.
SISLs trailer pack (Workshop) includes a cattle trailer. There are also concerns that it could look unfavorable to potential work partners going forward. While we understand that not all paid mods use the Intellectual Property of other companies/people, it is very hard to moderate what is and isn't acceptable when money is involved. SCS as a company do not wish to have paid mods on this forum. It features a 70 inch Highrise, Midroof XT, midroof, and daycab. Now, a 132SD variant has been included (common choice when they came out in 2010 among Nascar Haulers), along with a SBA variant.
This truck is based on the next generation Coronado, officially called the 122SD. Freightliner Coronado truck mod for American Truck Simulator.