Horizon Zero Dawn is the game that feels like a reset button that destroyed humanity but such is the human will that it found a way to continue. Horizon Zero Dawn challenges you to take chances and see that your abilities far proceed than what you would have believed. Aloy’s story is similar and it hits all the notes to be perfect. You find yourself in the midst of this story with no understanding of why everyone considers you as an outcast. Imagine a world coming back to life after a more advanced species of human beings comes to an end, and out of it. This helps add another dimension to the Legend of Zelda games of the past and current generations, discover Hyrule again and get to discover new weapons and everything else a century apart. This game starts out with amnesia but this colorful adventure will take you through everywhere Link has been through in the past, revisiting the same places with a different perspective. Legend of Zelda has lived through generations and is probably singlehandedly the reason for the popularity of the Nintendo Switch console.